Friday, January 29, 2010

Foto Friday

~Just a little after bath converstaion between brothers! ~

Oh, if I could just pause time for awhile!

Take time to enjoy the simple moments this weekend,

  they are to be treasured!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

10 secrets about me!

I got this idea from my friend at and hope that you join in the fun and do this also! 

10 secrets about me that you may or may not know, and maybe some things you really don't CARE to know!  But here they are anyway:

  1. I don't like animals and yet we have 11 (possibly more) because my kids LOVE animals!
  2. Messes drive me crazy and I have to use much self-control when my children make them!  (Not good when you have 11 children!)
  3. My husband and I knew each other well for about 6 weeks before we got engaged
  4. I struggle with my self-image and have to bring it to the cross many times a week
  5. I have never been on a honey-moon OR vacation with my husband.  (I have gone away on business with him for a couple days!)
  6. I have a great fear of bridges and bats!  (Maybe it is the letter 'b' I don't like?) 
  7. I have a best friend that I have known since I was 18 months old
  8. I never made a meal before I was married, now I have to make sure there are meals for 13 people 3 times a day!  (I guess I am making up for lost time! )
  9. I never did a load of laundry until I went to college and I turned my first load pink and had to wear them that way for a longer time than I wanted too until I went home to visit!  Now I do AT LEAST 4 times a day!  (Also making up for lost time!)

  10. I have a HUGE weakness for DARK chocolate and that weakness rears it's ugly head every night after the kids go to bed, so I don't have to share!  :) 
Please leave a comment on my blog so I can check out your secrets!  I would love to know you better too! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just some tips...

I am always looking for ways to be frugal!  Right now it is out of necessity, but even if I did not HAVE to,  I do not think I would do things any differently!  Just some helpful tips I have used to help me spend less AND some things that are just helpful tips:
  1. use coupons and clip, clip, clip!  
  2. start a coupon co-op with some family and friends
  3. join a coupon club, I use and a helpful coupon blog with even free idea's is
  4. look for stores that are having sales on the items you have coupons for so you save even more
  5. buy many of those items and stock up
  6. When you get to bottom of cereal bags and there is just not enough left for another bowl but too much to throw away, save them and combine all of them making a new hodge-podge cereal!  Kids love it!
  7. use 1/4 of what the laundry detergant box calls for, they tell you way more than necessary so you will buy more!
  8. menu-plan for a month at a time then go to the store for ONLY the things on your list
  9. rotate the meals every 2 weeks (this means you will have 14 different meals 2x's and month and leaving 2 or 3 extra days for left-overs)
  10. bake from scratch whenever possible!  Better for you and lots cheaper!  An average meal for my family of 13 costs me around $7-$10!
  11. drink water instead of other drinks!  Also better for you and cheaper!
  12. I love to move funiture, so to prevent scratches on the floor, put socks on the legs of the furniture
  13. for water stains on tables, rub mayonnaise on the stain, leave over night and wipe off in the morning. (I can't stand the smell of it, so I would cover it with plastic wrap!)
  14. bathroom mirrors won't fog up if you clean them with shaving cream!
  15. laundry marking system- One dot from a permanent felt-tip pen marks the oldest child's clothes tag: the fifth child has five dots, etc.  When it's hand-me down time, all you do is add another dot.  Not color codes to change, not names or initials to read! 
  16. if you are changing knobs on dressers and they keep coming off, or as in MY house, kids twist them off, put a coat of fingernail polish on the screw part and put them back on.  Makes them stay tighter longer!
  17. buy all the same color socks for kids in your familly.  We choose white for the bigger kids, and for the younger ones, they have white with grey bottoms.  If the oldest kids want different ones, they sort their own!  :) Even your husband can have all the same style of different dress socks!  Makes sorting a breeze!  I have all white with pink heals, and my girls have white with pink bottoms
  18. make or buy washable wipes!  Even if you don't use them for little ones anymore, they are handy for older kids to use for thier hands!  You can also buy cheap washcloth bundles and use those too!  I have saved sooooo much money by doing this. (I do make and sell them if you are interested!)  Saves lots on paper products!
  19. always dilute cleaners.  They are way to concentrated as they are!  I buy mine at the Dollar Tree and they work better than any other name brands I have bought, and guess what?  They only cost $1!  :)
  20. I try to fry up my hamburger when I get it home and then put it in baggies and toss into freezer.  Cuts meal prep time in half! 
Hoping at least one of these helps make your life a touch easier!  Please feel free to leave me some of your helpful tips to make MY life easier!  :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Putting on the armor

Last week and this week we are going over the Armor of God in our morning bible time.
Here are my little soldiers dressed for battle!

How impressed they were with my ability to make them their own armor!
SO impressed that during the first part of the lesson, they argued over who got to wear it instead of listening!

... that is just the way boys are!

Lesson learned, that if I am going to make armor, I better make enough for 7 boys!
AFTER we were done "discussing" the armor,
They ALLLL got a chance to wear it!
(God sure gave me some wisdom when I decided to make the sword out of cardboard, and not something that more closely resembled REAL metal!)
The way that sword was flinging around when I handed it to them could have really done some damage!


...that is just the way boys are!

*The websight I have been using for useful idea's to go along with what I am teaching:
I strongly suggest it! 
And if you decide to make your own armor,
Use cardboard also!
...that is just the way mom's are! 
Just trying to help!! :)

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Have a visit

My daughter wrote a beautiful blog post and would love for you to read it!  Thinking it may just encourage you today!
Enjoy! Have a STILL weekend!  :)

Foto Friday

I would like to say I was around and know what happened in this picture, but I happened to be gone during this "incident".
The girls decided to bake some cookies with the boys and welllllll.....
...this is what I found on my camera!
I wondered why when I got home they had all recieved baths and were sitting like angel's eating cookies!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How I keep them entertained

So often I get asked the question,"How do you keep the little ones entertained while you teach the older children?"  I was just asked this over the weekend and looked back in my previous posts and found the following post that I wrote a year ago.  It is still the way I do things and with the exception of a baby being added to the mix, it is the same!  It works for us!  ~

Many people have asked me how I keep the younger children entertained while I teach the older kids. First let me tell you that my opinion of schooling may differ from some. I consider schooling more than sitting down at a table or a desk for hours learning what any school could or would teach my children. (although academics are important to function in this world!) I don't formally start my children's "school" until much later than some. My 8 year old can not read yet, not because I am lazy, because I can see he is not ready yet, although getting closer. It would only frustrate him and cause him to look at reading as a joy only a struggle. (My oldest son was the guinea pig for this!) To this day, reading is not something he enjoys! Now my 5 year old can read better than some 2 or 3 years older than him and he spells EVERYTHING out loud. I have really not formally taught him to read. He just has a passion for it and started himself. Not the norm in our family. Usually I have had to guide the previous readers through our wonderful phonics curriculum that has worked so well. The whole goal for my husband and I from the very beginning of our homeschooling journey was to teach or children to teach themselves. If they can learn that skill, they can learn anything and my guidance is all they will need. So, to continue on with the topic question, what do I do with the younger ones while I am busy with the older ones. Because we are a little more structured as far as educating our older kids, I do have to be creative with the little ones while I GUIDE the others. Here are some tips I hope you can use:

1. Monday's are the busy day because that is when I sit with the oldest 3 and give them their assignments for the week. I allow them to work at their own pace and THEY decide when they accomplish their assignments. I have one that has a hard time planning ahead but a couple times of taking away a privilege because work is not accomplished makes a BIG impact! So on Mondays, my 4th child gets the joy of planning an activity for them. (I usually help her Sunday night come up with a little lesson and simple craft.) Usually they do things lots quicker than I need them too, but then they can read books quietly until we are done.

2. The baby naps in the morning still, so the younger 3 after him, have blanket time. I have a certain activity that they do on their blankets, chosen by me, that they must stay on their blanket to do. After one half hour, they can rotate their activity with their brother if they wish. Some things I give them are a box of Legos, potato heads, blocks, wooden trains and track, play cars, Lincoln Logs. This does take a little time to train them to stay on their blankets, but it is worth the effort and it teaches them to focus. That is what their school is at this age! I have even been known to reward them with watching a movie of my choice as long as they stay on their blanket. (I do not do this often, because it really would defeat the whole purpose).

3. Play-dough, need I say more?! Not on their blankets by the way! :)

4. Creating a simple snack with the oldest that is not busy with mom.

5. Books on their blanket is set aside for Fridays. Sometimes they end up playing with them instead of reading them, but as long as they are on their blankets and quiet, let the creativity flow!

6. Wonder Markers and the books that go with them. If you are not familiar with them, they can be costly, but a good investment. They color only on the paper you buy for the special markers and are invisible on anything else. Great for toddlers! The older kids enjoy them also.

7. Old fashioned crayons and coloring books work well too. I do have some that just don't care for coloring much however.

8. I have one rubbermaid of toys that I only get out about once a month for the days when I need a little more time than normal or just a change. It is hands off unless mom says!

I don't feel real creative but these are some of things I use. Blanket time works the best and it usually allows me just enough time to complete what I need to do. Start young and work your way up and there will be less struggle. If you are starting from scratch, be patient and consistent.

~I would love to hear your ideas! Post them on my comments page if you have any good ideas!

Would not trade Mommy-thing for Any-thing!

When I was a little girl, all I wanted to be was a mom and wife!  I did not really care about the order at that time!  I naturally remember wanting to be a mommy first!  (The husband part did not come until I was a teenager! )  I would line my dolls up from oldest to youngest and play house or school with them.  I would care for my babies like they were real!  To me they were real!  When I would go to the store with my mom, I would bundle them up in a blanket and take them with me.  I set them in a high-chair beside me when I ate.  I Changed their diapers and when I went to bed at night, I would put them in their jammies and lay them in their beds.  I knew each one by name and in my eyes, they even had a personalities!  I had ones who cried all the time, and ones who never cried.  Ones, who liked to go to the park, and ones who did not!  :)  It was a dream of mine to be a mother when I got older but when I was small, I was sure I WAS a mommy!  I cared for those babies of mine!  It was real and God implanted  in my heart from a very young age the desire to love and care for children! 

So, when I had girls, I bought them dolls!  They too, played and cared for them!  To them they were real!

I look at the world today, and I wonder if we teach our girls to continue to nurture that desire to nurture!  Do we show and tell them how the fruit of the womb is a reward as it says in Psalms?  When they are little girls playing with their babies, do we tell them of the ways that God has given them a desire to take care of little ones just as their mommy is taking care of them?  Do we make sure that they know God will provide emotionally and financially for them not matter how hard it becomes? Do we cultivate that as they grow OR do we eventually push it away with things of the world?  Telling them that 1 or 2 is enough because children are expensive and that sacrifices will have to be made! Do we tell them that it will all be worth it?  Do we make sure that they know God will provide emotionally and financially for them not matter how hard it becomes because IT SAYS in His Word that children are a BLESSING and not a BURDEN?   

To see the way my daughters care for our baby of the family is simply put, a joy!  They cannot kiss him enough, and they light up when he is around as much as he does!  I pray that continues in their hearts and minds!  Children are work but they are a BLESSING!  May I always teach my children that God desires us to be fruitful and multiply!  It is HIS command!  Whether that be adoption or birthing them from their bodies, that they realize being a mother is very close to God's heart!  Being a mother means raising another genertaion for the kingdom of God!  That has eternal value! 

It is work. There are days that I want to run out the door and scream very loud!  :)  And maybe get away for long short time, but I would not trade this mommy- thing for any- thing!

When I get up in the morning and would do nothing else with my life but what I am doing right now, I know that this is not only MY dream for my life but also God's!  For that, I am truly thankful!

Take joy in being a mommy and let your little ones know how you find it a joy that they call YOU mommy!  And if you are not a mommy, make sure you show little ones in your life how precious and important they are!  Allow God to use you where you are! And let those little "mommies" know, even though they are young, that the job they do with their dolls, is important and it pleases His heart!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I am wondering~

:: if my children SEE how much I love them
:: how to SHOW them my love in a way that will be obvious to each one
:: why it is so hard to die to self
:: if it ever gets easier to die to self
:: how my mom was so selfLESS
:: why winter is my favorite time of the year
:: if maybe as I get older, I'm thinking Spring is far better! 
:: what we will do for special "trips" this summer
:: why I love to fold laundry but despise putting it away! (expaining why I have 3 laundry baskets full of folded clothes sitting in my hallway)
:: what I am going to have for dinner
:: how I will ever survive when my oldest leaves home!
:: if the next 18 years will go as fast as the past 18
:: if someday, I will become a grandma the same time I am becoming a mom
:: why that seems so scary!
:: why it does not seem as impossible as it once did!
:: the older I get, the younger I feel  (That may have to do with having 8 boys!) :)

Today, I am wondering but...I also know who is beside me in all that I do!  From deciding what to have for dinner tonight, to the thought of my oldest leaving home!
::His name is Jesus! 

Daily I have thoughts that go through my head.  Some important and serious things, and some that just really do not matter except for a moment.

Today, I am asking that God take all of my thoughts captive under HIS obedience that I may serve Him with all that I am and ALL that I am "wondering", so that I may live my life pleasing to Him and that others will maybe get a glimpse of Him in me!  It is HIS faithfulness that always see's me through! 

Today, God help me to become more like you and live for you so much, that others know it is YOU that is in me without ever saying a word!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Foto Friday~The INVITED...

The UN-invited guest has officially been shoved out the door! :)
We do have a new little addition that we DID invite!

My daughter has a new kitten! She gives a new meaning to 'mischievous kitten'!
But oh is she cute!
I just hope she survives our 23month old!

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Uninvited guest...

Well, we have had an uninvited guest visit this week.  I really want him to leave soon!  Boy did he leave his mark!  On the beds, carpets, towels and everything in between!  This is all I could muster to write about!  Maybe because I need some empathy or maybe just to try and look at the humorous side of things for a moment until reality sets in, again! 

Random thoughts on the stomach flu:
  • I dread it more than anything with the exception my children dying
  • if anyone gets sick first,  it should be me so I can fearlessly clean up all messes
  • 7 kids under the age of 9 can NEVER make it to the bathroom in time
  • how stink proff our bodies our with it's contents UNTILthe contents exit the body (Sorry, WAY to much information!)
  • 2 bathrooms are NOT enough when multiple children need to use the bathroom when the stomach flu has hit
  • Resolve carpet cleaner works well! 
  • The air freshener we have, DOES NOT work well
  • or maybe it is because there is no way ANY air freshener could help at this point!
  • older kids think it is funny when little kids throw up, mom on the other hand, DOES NOT!
  • it amazes me how everyone comes to gather around when the first one starts to 'toss his cookies'
  • I THINK I would rather them ALL have it at the same time than one by one (Not totally sure on that one yet!)
  • I am thankful for indoor plumbing and a washing machine!
  • I thought we had way too many towels in our bathroom closets, now...thinkin' I need to stock up with some more! 
  • how thankful I am that I have such a wonderful husband that helps me clean up
  • how quickly I remember WHY I HATE the stomach flu (like within the first 30 seconds)
  • I have to keep reminding myself that God will not give me more than I can handle!  (At this point, I am convinced He thinks I am LOTS stonger than I think I am!)
  • the phrase, 'things are never as bad as they seem', is a total lie!  The flu is worse than you ever thought possible!
  • my heart aches when my babies are miserable!
And last but not least...

How indestructable I feel after helping a family of 13 fight the stomach flu!  Climb Mount Everst?  No problem!  Book me a ticket!  No, in fact I will walk!  :)

Surely Things can only get better in the days to come!

The winner is....

The winner is, Taylor!  I LOVED the reason's you loved babies and some of them were the same reasons I love them so much!  You have until tomorrow morning before noon to contact me using the comment page.  Thank you!  For those of you who used my e-mail to comment, thanks for your answers!  This was fun!
Here was Taylor's answer:

I love how he loves me!

I know, it may sound simple and even strange... but it's so true! I've watched him ever since he was 2 months old and now he's 9 months. Now that he's older he's somewhat harder to take care of and to keep out of things. It can often make your day stressful. But in the end, it's when he wants to lay his head on my shoulder and gently pats my back while whispering, "Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba" that I feel like it's all worth it. The love that a baby grows to have for someone is what's really special to me. It's something I can treasure forever. And it's just priceless! :) It causes my heart to well up with so much love for him that I know it must overflow! And that love reminds me of the way our God loves us as his own children.
That same love is just, well... priceless!

PS. If anyone would like to BUY one of these adorable blankets, let me know!  I sell them too!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Giveaway...

No, it is NOT the baby I am giving away! :)  It's not that HUGE of a giveaway!  It's not a t.v., jewelry, or anything big like that!


Why is this baby so happy?
Because his mommy(that would be me!), made him this ADORABLE ribbon/tag blanket!
Babies LOVE them!  They love to play with the ribbon and snuggle with them too!  Mine uses his as his favorite toy AND sleeps with it keeping him quiet at times when I'm just not ready for him to be up!  Great for car seats, church, grandma's and away from home!

Would you like to win one?

Answer this Question:
What do you love most about babies?

Leave your answer on the comment page and...

...I will pick my favorite and give you the answer on my blog no sooner than 12 hours from now and no later than 24 hours!  That means by tomorrow morning, I will post the winner!
The winner will have 24 hours to respond after I announce who it is. Maybe even tonight!

The winner will recieve one of these hand-sewn ribbon blankets! You can pick boy/girl/or neutral print! Because I'm nice like that! :)
Can't wait to see your answers!

And no matter how much you beg, the baby is not included!!! :)

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Monday, January 11, 2010

First Arrowsprings giveaway!

My first giveaway is on for tomorrow!  Since I have cabin fever also, I have taken up an old hobby with a new twist! I am sure if you love baby stuff or know somebody who does, you will love the item in the giveaway post!  You will have 12 hours from the time that I post the item to leave a comment and answer the question I will be asking IN your comment.  Can't wait to show you!  Babies and mommies will love it! Begin thinking what you love most about babies!  Stay tuned...

Cabin Fever

These cold, winter days can give us cabin fever.  And from the actions and activity of my my kids, we have it!  Here are some things I do to release some of their bundled up energy:

  • play indoor games such as Simon Says, Bible Questions Game while they raise their hand when they have the answer, indoor basketball with a nerf ball and bucket, indoor obstacle course, etc.
  • play library by setting up our books in rows and giving them a "library" card and a toy cash register for the scanner and then sit and read books with them
  • play store and restaurant and have hot chocolate and cookies that we bought at the "store" and eat at the restaurant after we play
  • watch home movies!  This is great for all ages!  Watching them laugh and talk about all the memories is priceless
  • jump on my daughter's exercise trampoline or do exercise video WITH them
  • dance to THEIR music and play follow the leader
  • SIT and cut paper!  This is great for my 3, 5, and 6 year old since scissors are usually a no-no!
  • bake something yummy and easy
  • clean!  No joke!  They love to spray baseboards and wipe them even with just water!!  Dining room chairs too!
  • take a bath and just play
  • make invitaions, dress up, and have a tea-party with real food (boys love this too!)  This is a great way to also teach table manners!
  • when all else fails, bundle up and let them run around outside for a short time!  :)  I have done this the past week even though the temps have been cold!  It does wonders for their energy levels. 
We are going to be able to get out this week because the temps are going to warm up.  But we have fun doing calm indoor things also!  Sometimes it takes a little more work and creativity, but it is well worth it!

PS  I have taken up a new little adventure and will be having a giveaway.  You will soon find out what that is!  It has to do with babies!  (I know, imagine that!)  So if you like baby things and want something for free, stay tuned for tomorrow's post and get a chance to win something really adorable for your little one or a little one you know!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Foto Friday- Winter Fun

We have recieved an artic blast this week that has made it even too cold to do winter outdoor activities!
This picture was LAST week when it was bearable for my kids to sled!
My oldest has been sledding for 15 winters, the next to youngest, well... this is his First!
At first, we thought he hated it at the end of the hill because he was screaming! We soon realized he did not want the ride to come to and end! He out sled all the "big" kids.
Fun memories!

Stay warm and have a GREAT weekend!

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

HAPPY New Year- but submit HAPPILY?

I'm not much for making New Year's resolutions.  Maybe it's because I'm scared of failure :) but for the most part, I just know that I need to seek God daily and see what He has for me daily and not focus on the long term.  Although as a whole, the long term is what I want to look back on and see that I have changed ~ for the better!  However, it usually takes me changing MY ways on a DAILY basis!  As I have looked back on the previous year I began to wonder where I am spiritually compared to where I was a year ago. 
  • Am I closer to God?
  • Do I look to Him more?
  • Have I surrendered to Him?
  • Do I seek MY way less?
  • Do I spend more time with Him than I did a year ago?
  • Have I reacted in my flesh less?
  • Do my children see any change in me because I am seeking Him more?
As I thought about these questions, some I can answer more easily than others.  I am finding out this year, He decided I needed some work and started me out with a difficult one!  (I actually did not see that I really had much of a problem!)  But pride always cometh before every fall!  :)   he began to show me I was not happily and willingly submitting!   To my God, and my husband.  The realization of how I just might not be where I need to be in that area, broke me!   I began to sadly see how my short, quick temembered responses to my husband  hurt him,  how I would submit, but do it with a grudging heart.  The times I would say, "No, I want you to decide honey!"  But then quickly say without being asked, "MY personal opinion is..."  How often I would TELL him to make a decisoin, but how often I would really want control of his answer!  In other words to do what I wanted.  What that really was saying is I do not trust him and in return, I do not trust God!  I began to realize it is really not about what I want or what I like or what is easy!  It is about letting my husband be the leader of our home. And because he is a Godly man, I need to trust his decisions and allow him to make them without me manupulating him into doing things my way!  You see, I like to be in control!  I have certain ways that I like to do things and he just does things the way I would do them most some of the time!  But that does not make me right!  In fact, more often than not, I have found that HIS way has turned out to be the better way!  Surprise, surprise!  (My guess is, God knew what He was doing when He made my husband the leader of our home and for me to be under his submission!)  Hmmm..... imagine that!  I am so blessed to have a man who does ask my opinion and takes to heart my take on things, BUT to allow HIM to have the final say and for him to truly know and believe that, is just plain hard sometimes!  But the blessing that has followed has been incredible!  My children used to be so confused!  How can they learn to trust their daddy if their mom does not!  How can my girls learn to trust their husbands someday and bring blessing to them, IF they don't see their own mom submitting to her husband?  How can they learn to trust and submit to their parents if they have not seen ME submit to God and know that HE can be trusted?  Submission has eternal ramifications if you choose to do it or not!  It is not always easy, but is ALWAYS best!   It will bring blessing to your entire family for the day AND the years to come!

James 4:7&8 ~ Therefore submit to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you!  Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you

As the new year begins, I have been shown gently by my God, that I need to give in to MY ways and go HIS way!  A pretty hard but wonderful way to start off the year!  Can't wait to see what the coming year holds! 


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