Saturday, July 23, 2011

What we have been up to...

I have given up some things and blogging has been one of them, if you have not noticed!  Really I have not GIVEN it up, just put it on the "back burner" for the summer!  But I thought I would share some things we have been up to lately:

 Holding rabbits...
 Holding baby sister...
 Holding head up now...
 Even tried, for a couple days, holding food down!
 Poking eyes out...(not intentionally)
 Going out to a 'Bright Lights' conference with many girls...
 Girls playing games in a hotel room...
 Listening to other girls play music and living pure lives for Christ...
 Watching and listening to God's plan on how to give your young life to Christ and live in purity...
 And looking and this little example of purity...
 Babies holding baby bunnies...
 Daddy pushing his 3 yr old down a waterslide...
 Keeping cool...(not real easy right now!)
 But enjoying it at the water park...
 Even stopping for mom so she can get a picture...

And last but not least...
Celebrating MANY summer Birthday's! 

Hope you are enjoying the summer and staying cool!
Yes, if you know anything about me,
I am ready for winter! :)



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