Friday, April 10, 2009

A Restored Soul

This past week, God has brought a restoration to my soul. The weariness has been replaced with joy and appreciation for what God has allowed me to do. My focus has been on my Savior. The past couple of days with my postings about who Jesus is to me, was a huge part of bringing me back to my first love, Him! My daughter wrote on her blog a beautiful tribute and some wisdom from God that took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. Please take time if you can to check it out at (It is the April 8th entry)

It was a reminder that what I am doing for Him IS getting through to my children. Although I am so far from perfect, God is using me and allowing me to see the reward of clothing my children daily in prayer. I am reminded to not discourage my children, but to lift them up and just let them know by words or actions, what a joy and a blessing it is to have them as my children and that they are valued. Sometimes, as Much as I hate to admit it, I just forget to daily look them in the eyes and tell them how much I love them. It always captures their heart! What an honor to be allowed to share with them that they are created by God and lent to me to care for and teach them about Him! Sometimes I wish He did not trust me so much!;) What an overwhelming thought! But with His wisdom and guidance, I have all that I need!

Remember moms, this is all worth it! It is hard, but God is using you to show your children glimpses of Him. Don't worry about the big stuff and don't sweat the small stuff. It is not for you to carry! Just look to Him, He is all you need!


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