Friday, April 23, 2010

Just an update~

I'm one of those bloggers that get upset when blogs that I follow have things happening in their lives and they don't update as much as I like! :)  So now, I am officially a hypocrite!  Sorry about the delay on posting MY update but it has been a whirlwind of a week!  An injured 10 month old, a mother-in-law with a blood clot in her lung, and a 14 year old with pneumonia AND a broken arm and, (I won't even mention the ordeal with my BRAND NEW WHIRLPOOL DUET washing machine!)  Okay, maybe I will!  Exactly one month after receiving our NEWwashing machine, (after waiting 3 weeks for delivery), we are now WITHOUT a washing machine, potentionally up to 4 weeks!  Yes, I am frustrated to say the least!  The seal on the door broke, wrapping clothes in it and then leaking water all over the bathroom floor!  We are not having an easy time getting any answers!  So for now, we are going to have to pay $4.00 each load and haul our laundry to our local laundromat and figure out a way to fix our bathroom floor because the company said they only cover the appliance on the warranty and wait impatiently  patiently for the part to come in!  *SCREAM*  Okay, I feel a little better!

Now, an update with the pregnancy.  I am seeing signs that the miracle I am praying for, may not happen the way I would like for it too, but nothing definate or totally convincing yet!  The doctor said on Monday that allowing my body to do things naturally, was fine at this point although he did recommend a d&c.  I decided against it and will continue to seek God's council!  I just have such a peace that I cannot describe!  I am very normally a VERY impatient person and a situation like this would have destroyed every emotional thought that would keep me sane by now.  But God is soooooo good and has given me more than anything I could have ever dreamed of when it comes to waiting and perserverence!  His word has been a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path!  Your prayers have been so felt!  I sat the other night, just sure I was going to miscarry soon, and I began to cry with a deep pain and loss.  Weeks ago, I choose to love this child and have grown more and more in love as the days have gone by (13 weeks to be exact!).  It finally hit me that my time with him/her might be over.  I did not realize how God had filled my heart with that love that only a mother knows!  Well, the week has gone on and the syptoms stopped after only about and hour.  So, I am still waiting to see what God's plan is and when He will decide to show us.  During the ultra-sound on Monday, God quietly spoke to my heart and said to me, "It is time..."  I was not really sure what that meant and still am not totally sure.  It may mean, it is time to let go and hand this precious life to Him in heaven, or it could mean that it is time to see evidence that the baby is alive.  What I do know is, until it IS time to know, God will sustain me and continue to walk this road with me!  I have grown so much through this and have learned to trust Him no matter what I feel or am told by man! 

I will continue to walk in faith that He is able! 

Hope you have a great weekend and I do appreciate your prayers so much!  It has held me up!


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