12 short weeks ago today,
I went from holding you in my body to holding you in my arms for the very first time!
(But who is counting?!)
Where did the time go from newborn diapers and clothes,
now, size 3-6 month clothes and ALMOST size 2 diapers!
From those distant glazed look eyes,
to frantically looking for mommy's face,
and then that BIG toothless grin!
You used to not even know you had hands,
now you think they taste ohhh so good!
All those siblings that have stared and talked to you for so long,
what a joy to see you enjoying THEIR faces!
12 weeks ago I did not think it possible to love you more!
the empty space in my heart that I did not even know was there, you filled!
I just keep falling more and more in love with you!
Thank you God,
for another beautiul arrow!