I have been following a blog written by a lady that had a baby due March 16th! I check everyday to see if there is any news. Well, so far nothing but she has at least posted so I know what is happening! To you, my blog friends, I have not done the same! So I thought I would let you know what has been going on.
My blood sugar levels have been GREAT! I am only taking the slow acting insulin and my levels have stayed right where they should be. I had an ultra-sound last Thursday, and the baby measured about 6lbs 4oz. Smaller than most of mine at 36 weeks! I had a baby at 36 weeks and he weighed over 8lbs! So size, which is something they were worried about, seems to be in check also! I have been contracting off and on for days and dilated to 1cm with the baby at -1 station. That is good news! I could go any day the doctor said and she would be fine with that. If I do not go before the 18th of April, she wants to induce me. Not sure if that is what I will do yet, but I am asking for God's hand in this so I will not have to make that decision. REALLY praying that she will be born before that IF she is ready. My anxiousness is gone and I feel at peace with all that has happened and I am thankful He has had his visible hand in this little one's life! The only regret I have, is not resting in Him more from the very beginning. However, that is when we realize our true need for Him. Sometimes it takes pure desperateness before a total surrender comes. Well, I was desperate! The doctors gave me their opinions and I realized I was listening more to them then to the one who created me and this sweet baby! I have had non-stress tests every week and they have been showing that she is doing great also. So now, I wait! Something I am terrible at! And it makes it worse when you have other kids that are so excited and ready to see their baby sister! :) I am ready NOW, but again, I need to remember, God knows when she should come so until then... I will endure the hip pain, achy back, hourly trips to the bathroom, sleepless hours, and my impatience. It WILL all be worth it! This much I know!
Until she comes, I am signing off and rest assured, I will be back with all the details! Maybe more than you care to know! ;)

My blood sugar levels have been GREAT! I am only taking the slow acting insulin and my levels have stayed right where they should be. I had an ultra-sound last Thursday, and the baby measured about 6lbs 4oz. Smaller than most of mine at 36 weeks! I had a baby at 36 weeks and he weighed over 8lbs! So size, which is something they were worried about, seems to be in check also! I have been contracting off and on for days and dilated to 1cm with the baby at -1 station. That is good news! I could go any day the doctor said and she would be fine with that. If I do not go before the 18th of April, she wants to induce me. Not sure if that is what I will do yet, but I am asking for God's hand in this so I will not have to make that decision. REALLY praying that she will be born before that IF she is ready. My anxiousness is gone and I feel at peace with all that has happened and I am thankful He has had his visible hand in this little one's life! The only regret I have, is not resting in Him more from the very beginning. However, that is when we realize our true need for Him. Sometimes it takes pure desperateness before a total surrender comes. Well, I was desperate! The doctors gave me their opinions and I realized I was listening more to them then to the one who created me and this sweet baby! I have had non-stress tests every week and they have been showing that she is doing great also. So now, I wait! Something I am terrible at! And it makes it worse when you have other kids that are so excited and ready to see their baby sister! :) I am ready NOW, but again, I need to remember, God knows when she should come so until then... I will endure the hip pain, achy back, hourly trips to the bathroom, sleepless hours, and my impatience. It WILL all be worth it! This much I know!
Until she comes, I am signing off and rest assured, I will be back with all the details! Maybe more than you care to know! ;)