My girls and I went to the mall for a short time and decided to checkout the book and bible store. I reluctantly agreed even though our time was short. Books got looked at but nothing purchased. (If you know me or have read my blog for any amount of time, that is a milestone!) I was so proud of myself and patting myself on the back...UNTIL....
I stopped at a pretty little glass shelf with the most adorable ceramic mug on it. It was the cutest thing! It had a little spoon that fit right INTO the handle so you could just place it back after you were done stirring! So inventive and handy, kind-of! I soon decided that was the DUMBEST idea ever! Without even seeing what was written on the adorable, (*ahem* cough, cough,) mug, I picked it up, turned it upside down to see the price that was so
So knowing that I would be full willing to pay for the item but hoping in the back of my mind that they would be so thankful I was honest and tell me they have insurance for accidents like this and let me on my way,
I walked up to the counter and showed them the mug and told them I had accidently broke it. I told her I would be willing to pay for it and that I was sorry. She begins to wrap it it some tissue paper and another lady begins to ring it up on the cash register. I was beginning to get the idea that they did not understand what happened. I then said I did not want it, I had just needed to pay for it because I had broken it! (Still hoping they would excuse it and tell me accidents happen!) She said,"Oh you don't WANT it?! Well do you want to give it a homeless shelter or something? You know, since your paying for it and all?!" You have to understand, at this point I was very frustrated with myself for even touching the
I must admit, I was not happy about paying for the mug! Little did I know how God would use this for HIS glory! My daughter decided she wanted the mug so I told her that was fine and she went back to get it. I went to get the car. Picked up my daughter and she began to tell me what the lady said to her. "You have a very special mom and please remember what she did today! There are not that many honest people left in this world! Go give her a hug and tell her thank you!"
Now, I don't say that to brag about myself because I think anyone would do what I did! I just hope that people are that way! I did nothing that God would be impressed with! But, if my girls remember this someday when they are making a decision between what is easier and what is right, maybe God will bring this to their minds and heart! How cool is that! And as for the ladies at the store, I don't know, but it was very surprising to me at a CHRISTIAN book and bible store, they were surprised that I would even think of telling them that I had broken it! Maybe, just maybe God used this for them today also! I am so in awe of how much my flesh wants to rule! But I am so glad that I am a child of the Most High and He used little old me today, to teach my children! We must obey Him and His word! As we always tell our children, "obey your mother and your father... and it will go well with you!" That also goes for us obeying God! When we obey, it WILL go well with us! (Even if I do have to stare at an