When all that you know and are comfortable with, is about to change,
you REALLY begin to start looking at what IS TRULY important!
This Thanksgving was probably one of the most spiritual for me!
We started out going through the story of Thanksgiving with our kids and how God was the center of it! Much reason to celebrate! ( If only that were the way this country was now!)
We talked about how hard it must have been for those pilgrims!
They too, left all that they knew in search of something greater and trusted God for their needs! They went through many trials and suffered much but they continued on! God blessed them and brought them through!
We decided that in the coming weeks, that is what we must do!
Wait and watch and see what God will do! He knows where we are going to live!
In that waiting, we will trust, do the things that God has us do and not get weary.
if we do get weary in the waiting, we know that God will strengthen us!
The outcome for the pilgrims was incredible because they knew who they had on their side!
The ever-present, unfailing, God!
I too, was reminded this Thanksgiving that all that I have is His and I can leave it in His hands because He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
I don't know what the future holds, none of us do!
But my children look to us to show them and they trust us without any doubt!
They run and play without a care in the world knowing that we will feed them, clothe them, and tell them of Jesus love!
That is what we must do!
I have been reminded this past week with all that around me seems to be caving in, that my God CAN be trusted and as a child, I am to leave it my Father's hands! He will provide!
Oh I am so Thankful!