...been watching mom's belly grow,
...looking closely at new things (which includes noticing mom's expanding belly and reminding her daily, that her belly is getting "fat"!)
And somehow that is considered a GOOD thing! :)
... been playing with and eating cardboard, (who needs presents or cookies)
...had fun sitting on big brother
...had more fun sitting on another big brother, (they are everywhere ya know!!)
...spent time being creative and then time coming off a sugar high!
...enjoyed frosting on our lips, hair, and fingertips!
...remembering that Jesus loves us and came to this earth to save us
...even saved a runaway bunny in the snow with a lesson in how Jesus will go after just one of His lost sheep!
(We are homeschoolers and can't let a learning oppurtunity like that go to waste!)
...also celebrated a 6 year old's birthday!
But most of all,
we have been just enjoying each other and the blessings God has given us as a family!
Thought I would just catch you up a little in case you were feeling left out! :)