I found this idea here. It is a fun and unusual way to get to know others! It is the websites that you visit. Just open a new browser window or tab and hit your "a" key to see what site your browser pulls up first. Then continue doing that for all the letters of the alphabet.
a~ avent, GREAT bottles and fav breast pump EVER!
b~ babies'r'us, wonderful online shopping
c~ cutest blog on the block, use it for my blog background
d~ Johnny Diaz, favorite christian singer (daughter's fav anyway!)
e~ ebay, I sell all kinds of things
f~ Francesca Battesteli, another one of daughters fav christian singer (Hey, this is supposed to be MOM's computer!)
g~ google, need I say more!
h~ headaches, maybe needed that one because have 11 children? Hmmm...
i~ pop it, it's a game my kids play
j~ Johnny Diaz, AGAIN
k~ King James Bible online
l~ back labor, had that with my last baby for the first time!
m~ my charming kids, LOVE this blog!
n~ newborns, wish I needed that again! :)
o~ ovulation, okay, not sure why I would need to look that up! lol
p~ pop it, AGAIN!
q~ quiverful, that speaks for itself too!
r~ real payer, use that to load my mp3 player
s~ summer plants, wanted to plant a small garden this year, planning on herbs instead
t~ Target, I spend lots of time there!
u~ maternity underwear, don't need that right now!
v~ vision benefits, 2 year old broke my glasses this year, explains that one!
w~ wal-mart, do you see a pattern here?
x~ nothing! Nobody plays the xylophone in our house!
y~ youtube, lots of downloads for Christian music
z~ zoocity, another kids website!
Wow, it is fun seeing where I have been, (or my daughter has been I guess :) )
Let me know if you try this on my comment page and leave your blog addres! I would love to see your answers!

a~ avent, GREAT bottles and fav breast pump EVER!
b~ babies'r'us, wonderful online shopping
c~ cutest blog on the block, use it for my blog background
d~ Johnny Diaz, favorite christian singer (daughter's fav anyway!)
e~ ebay, I sell all kinds of things
f~ Francesca Battesteli, another one of daughters fav christian singer (Hey, this is supposed to be MOM's computer!)
g~ google, need I say more!
h~ headaches, maybe needed that one because have 11 children? Hmmm...
i~ pop it, it's a game my kids play
j~ Johnny Diaz, AGAIN
k~ King James Bible online
l~ back labor, had that with my last baby for the first time!
m~ my charming kids, LOVE this blog!
n~ newborns, wish I needed that again! :)
o~ ovulation, okay, not sure why I would need to look that up! lol
p~ pop it, AGAIN!
q~ quiverful, that speaks for itself too!
r~ real payer, use that to load my mp3 player
s~ summer plants, wanted to plant a small garden this year, planning on herbs instead
t~ Target, I spend lots of time there!
u~ maternity underwear, don't need that right now!
v~ vision benefits, 2 year old broke my glasses this year, explains that one!
w~ wal-mart, do you see a pattern here?
x~ nothing! Nobody plays the xylophone in our house!
y~ youtube, lots of downloads for Christian music
z~ zoocity, another kids website!
Wow, it is fun seeing where I have been, (or my daughter has been I guess :) )
Let me know if you try this on my comment page and leave your blog addres! I would love to see your answers!