My mother-in-law is doing okay, my 10 month old is acting VERY normal although he looks like he has been hit by a train on one side of his face, and my daughters arm is hurting but she is laughing as I type this! So all in all, we are doing great!
Today, still having NO miscarriage symptoms, I go for another ultra-sound, blood work, and doctor visit. I am seeing a doctor at the office I normally go to, and he is a favorite of mine. He will not do anything further until an ultrasound is done. (The other doctor who told me 3 weeks ago that I would miscarry within the week, said he would not waste his time doing anymore ultrasounds!) I just know God has guided every step and I have done nothing without asking Him and obeying what He says! Not always easy, but ALWAYS best! I am in His hands! Still hoping I will see that little baby and heartbeat! :)