Monday, January 25, 2010

Putting on the armor

Last week and this week we are going over the Armor of God in our morning bible time.
Here are my little soldiers dressed for battle!

How impressed they were with my ability to make them their own armor!
SO impressed that during the first part of the lesson, they argued over who got to wear it instead of listening!

... that is just the way boys are!

Lesson learned, that if I am going to make armor, I better make enough for 7 boys!
AFTER we were done "discussing" the armor,
They ALLLL got a chance to wear it!
(God sure gave me some wisdom when I decided to make the sword out of cardboard, and not something that more closely resembled REAL metal!)
The way that sword was flinging around when I handed it to them could have really done some damage!


...that is just the way boys are!

*The websight I have been using for useful idea's to go along with what I am teaching:
I strongly suggest it! 
And if you decide to make your own armor,
Use cardboard also!
...that is just the way mom's are! 
Just trying to help!! :)

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1 comment:

Shelly said...

Nicely done! And yes, as a mom of only two boys, I could have told you to make armor for EACH one!!! *grin*


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