Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An update~ kind of

Not much on our circumstances to report.  No job or job prospects as of yet.  It was a week ago today my dear husband lost his job.  A week ago, we really thought our world was crashing in and we were it total despair.  Today, a different story.  God has done some amazing things in our hearts and given us more peace and joy than we have EVER had.  We made a choice not to blame God but look to Him.  To seek God's way, not our way.  To put our hope in Him, not our circumstances and most of all to trust Him with EVERYTHING!  It's amazing how when we are stripped of all that we have, that we can truly, whole heartedly surrender!  Realizing how much we look to circumstances in our lives instead of our God to supply our EVERY need was an eye opener to say the least.  My husband has been searching and finding God's heart and although no clear cut answers as far as what the world would consider answers for us, he has a joy knowing that it is not up to him but up to God to show him the way.  In that, I can rest knowing that God is for us and my husband is allowing God to direct is path. 

So, the prayers you are all saying ARE working and they are reaching heaven!  Thank you!  We are giving God the glory and are even able to thank Him for this trial knowing that this is what legends are made of and someday we will share this with our grandchildren and we can tell them how faithful our God is! 

A song by Jeremy Camp says this~

I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see.
Because this broken road, prepares your will for me.

The trials we go through are only a preparation of God's will in our life.  Bring it on!  I can't wait to see how it all ends up!  I will be keeping you posted! 

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