God has been drawing me near to Him.
It was my choice to obey.
I could not stand the distance anymore.
And somehow, although all I have is broken pieces to offer,
He decides to draw me to His heart.
Ahhh the pieces...
you know the ones!
The kind that you did not even know were broken.
And yet the unsettledness in your heart continues to reveal your need for Him.
I can push Him aside for only so long before I can't bear it anymore.
Why do I think that I can even for a moment, do it on my own?
Harsh words, impatient tones, complaining, uncontentment, selfishness...
the list goes on and on and on!
Yet He continues to draw me to His heart.
Suddenly, I remember that all that I have is His.
I must pray before I speak, hold my tongue instead of stirring up strife, be thankful for what I have, do for others, and most of all, dwell with Him every moment of my day!
His Word MUST be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!
I desire so much to live my life the way He did!
But sometimes I just forget that I MUST give it all to Him in order to BECOME like Him!
How do I give it all when I don't have anything of worth to give?
He knows that, and yet, He created ME to praise Him!
He could do want he wants through a tree if He so chooses but His desires to USE ME!
Here I am Lord!
I choose to dwell with you!
Psalm 138:1-3
I will praise You with my whole heart;
Before the gods I will sing praises to You.
I will worship toward Your holy temple,
And praise Your name
For your lovingkindness and Your truth;
For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.
In the day when I cried out, You answered me,
And made me bold with strength in my soul.
Lord, today I choose You. May all my thoughts,words and actions come under your submission! I can do nothing without you! I know you have plans to prosper me. To give me a hope and a future. Remind me that my ways, are NOT your ways and I can't do all that you have for me unless I give it all to you and dwell daily in Your presence! Search my heart and know me! All that I have is yours!