Our family has been under attack lately. It started out very subtly! Talking back, then lying and on to stealing from siblings and then flat out rebellion. God began to speak to me in my heart after WEEKS of enduring, that we were under attack. The Word says, "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities of the darkness of the air..." Our children's hearts have been attacked and the enemy had blinded us as parents thinking it's just life, it is just a stage we are going thorugh, it will be okay! You see I have learned that the enemy IS the author of lies HOWEVER he will also deceive us into believing something that MAY be true! It was true, it has been rough the past few months with no job, unreliable schedules, little income, etc! BUT that is no excuse for us to give up and accept chaos and bad behavior as the norm! Our children (and us!) are up against sooooo very much in this world! Media, peers, and the reality of this sin-filled world are only a few things that our children face! If not careful, they and we can become numb to the world's ways and suffer greatly from it in all area's of their/our lives! I told my oldest kids the other day, that I used to say "mommy" prayers but now God is calling me to say "MOTHER" prayers on their behalf! If the enemy can get to our kids, then He can shake the whole family and destroy everything that God has built up!
Last night my husband went to the alter and lifted up our family. I stood behind him and we rebuked the enemy from our family and vowed to fight fervently for our children's hearts! The enemy can attack hard but does not stand a chance when we are walking in the spirit and have God as our commander! Many things happened last night and I can't wait to see what He has for us tonight. God has a plan for all of us and we are important to His kingdom! Begin to ask God what your family needs. He hears you and knows them better than you! We have been changed and it is SO evident in our home today! We cannot wait to see what He has for us in the future! We need, as parents, to fight for our children's souls. It has eternal value! Don't let the enemy tell you any different!
Turn those essential, wonderful, precious "mommy" prayers, into life changing, powerful, fighting enemy "MOTHER" prayers! Your family is depending on it!
Oh Father, the enemy has a target and it is our children hearts! I am crying out to you to show me the ways that my children struggle that I can go to battle for them and TEACH them to wear your armor and eventually be able to fight themselves! Our family is yours and we live for you! We know that if You are for us, than nobody can be against us! We have power in your name to speak and you hear us! Help me to cultivate a heart of worship to You so my children will also walk in your spirit. Thank you for helping me on this journey of motherhood and helping me realize that you have given me the tools to fight for my family! Revive what the enemy has tried to steal from us! Amen!
And that is what a revival can do! :)
1 comment:
I"m right in there with ya, sista! :-)
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