Sunday, October 16, 2011

Flowers from God

Years ago, we were going through a REALLY hard time.  I had one of those times where I kept praying and nothing seemed to be happening.  Months of waiting.  Have you ever been there?  I may have even been having a pity party for myself.  (I know hard to believe!)  I used to do that quite often!  Okay, I'm humble!  I have still been known to do that time to time!  Anyway, I asked for God to show me that He had not forgotten me!  Just something to hang on to.  My faith in God was strong but I needed something tangible!  I continued with my day, went to bed with no sign but kept believing.  The next morning, I went to my back door to go do laundry and I looked down, and there was a bouquet of BEAUTIFUL fresh picked flowers!  I kneeled down on the floor and wept.  I still to this day have NO clue who set them there.  I am convinced that an angel of the Lord put them there.  I knew EXACTLY what it meant!  God knew I needed to "see" Him and He revealed His love to me in such an obvious way.

The next week, was a week of blessing.  We began to see answers in our lives that were SO God!  The flowers were the beginning of His promise to take care of me!  Well, since then God has revealed His love to me through flowers.  I know, it sounds strange but it is SO true!  God has USED people to give me flowers but everytime I receive flowers, God reveals Himself in great ways!  One time it was a lilac bush!  That was an amazing time of praise in my life.  After one of my miscarriages, the hospital brought me one white rose.  I knew it was God reminding me He had not forgotten me!  4 weeks later, I was pregnant again already!  There are many other times that He has poured out His love on me through flowers. 

Usually these flowers come from the most unusual places.  Not my husband, or anyone expected.  Neighbors and even strangers have given them to me!  Oh and the best ones are the ones picked from from my sweet children's hands!  Always at the most unexpected time!  Okay, to tell you why I have gone in such detail to tell you about my Heavenly Father bringing me flowers!

The week before my birthday, I received a bouquet of flowers!  My children know of my Father's love affair with me and how He always "brings" me flowers to display His love for me.  I layed them on the table and my daughter walked by, and said, "MOM, God gave you flowers!  Something good must be coming!"

I had really not thought about it yet, but looked at her and said, "Oh thank you for reminding me, I wonder what is coming!"  Well, the next week was the "blessing" over me that God gave my husband and EVERYDAY since my birthday (that is 8 days), God has given us a blessing of money.  Mind you, we have NEVER once asked for money!  People who know us, have prayed and things have even been revealed to others that we are not sure how they know but God has USED others to bring blessing to us.   This week alone, we have received over $2000!  Oh and do I thank them for their obedience!  Don't ever dismiss what God may have you do for others!  He will use it in a mighty way!  We also had a water bill that kept reading $0 so my husband called and the next month, the same thing!  Finally, our local water works came because I guess our meter had broke.  They fixed it and my husband went to pay the bill that was 2 days from getting shut off from the 2 months before when the meter DID work!  He assumed they would prorate it from the months before and God had blessed us so much that we could actually catch up.  He talked to them, showed them the bill, and they said they could not just "make up" a bill and we did not have to pay for the 2 months previous!  Another blessing! 

Well, I have another HUGE story that is in the works, of God's faithfulness.  I can't get into it now because I feel I need to wait until it is complete, but I am giving you my word, that you WILL hear about it!  Remember, we are losing our home in 4 weeks and we are wondering where God is going to do to direct us!  That is all I will say!

Please be mindful of the little things in your life that God may be trying to show you He is there!  I know He uses flowers for me!  Ask Him to show you what His reminder is for you!  I GUARANTEE you He will show you something He does just for you!  He LOVES to give His children good gifts!  You ARE one of His children!  By the way, ON my birthday morning, I received this...

Just wait until you hear what He has done for us after this beautiful flower display!

1 comment:

Robin said...

How poignant...God's love for us is unimaginable. The flowers are lovely. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you and your beautiful family.


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