Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blessings abound

Blessings are abundant in our family right now!  One after the other, day after day, for some reason God has been pouring out His favor on us!  Believe it or not, it is not always an easy road!  It takes lots of humbleness at times, to be put in front of others as needy.  It was never intentional to let everyone know of our "troubles".  It just became apparent to others, after conversations and prayer.   The loving hearts of other's, have been pouring out their love on us! we are with God and TOTALLY exposed of all of our issues,  God has used people to bless us and that has moved our hearts.  We have NEVER asked for anything!  God has amazingly placed us on other's hearts and because of their obedience, we have seen God move in ways that we could never have imagined!  We don't have any final details of our life and where it will be going for now, however, on the other hand, we do know that our lives are going in HIS direction!  No place to live as of yet, but we know God does see it.   Most of the time in life, we don't see which way things are going to go and we can try to do things our way.  Believe me, we have I have tried to figure out some plans along the way!  I am thankful for slammed door moments!  :)  I am asking for the 'wide open' door moments now, but I know that those will come when He is ready to show them to us!

 If you are going down a road of unanswered questions or a waiting time, know that I am there with you!  It is NOT an easy road!  We are in a society of "FAST" everything!  Food, internet, money, material things, and so on and so on!  Be thankful God is NOT in a hurry!  It takes time for artists to master their masterpieces!  And we are HIS masterpiece!  Hang in there!  Don't give up!  I am not and I will not give up!  Please don't either!  Wait on Him!  As I have heard and seen, God IS for us!  I will be telling of all the things He has done and other's will believe because of what He has done!  For that, I am sure of!

As Christmas draws closer in the next few days, remember that Christ was born to set us free!  That is why the celebration of His birth is so important!  We are to look at the manger and then at the cross!  (Both were made of wood!)  He came to this earth as a humble baby and died the most humble death imaginable!   Be reminded that with all the things that are going to be happening in the coming days, that Jesus came to earth for you!  Are you ready for Christmas?  You don't have to have all your presents bought and everything ready, but make sure that you do know in your heart day in and day out, that you have made your heart, Christ's home!

1 comment:

In the Nursery of the Nation said...

SO glad to hear this. Praising Him with you! Our family has been praying for yours. We have been in a similar situation before..truthfully aren't out of it completely yet. Each day is one of walking by faith and not sight. Thanks for sharing what the Lord is doing.


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