Friday, September 12, 2008

A True Friend

A True Friend I have been praying for someone particularly hard this past week. I have prayed for them for years but at this moment he is going through some extremely difficult things so I have been reminded to continue to bring him to the throne. When asking another prayer warrior to help me pray for this person, I was reminded by her of a story in the bible. The paralyzed man who was healed. He was carried by 4 men to see Jesus to be healed. He was not able to go to Jesus to be healed himself. He needed friends! Friends who would fight through the crowd just for him. I'm sure it was hot and dusty because of the climate they were in. No easy task to carry a grown man through the long unpaved path. No ambulance with a stretcher with wheels, no comfortable chairs to rest in if they became weary, and more than likely the stretcher was hand made with some material and splintering wood! But because this man who was a paralyzed" meant so much to them and they had heard of this man named Jesus, they choose to persevere and get him there! The way they did this was no simple task! To reach the top of the roof they had to climb several stairs! No elevators! They took some rope and lowered their friend with there own 8 hands through the roof! They knew it was essential for their friend to see Jesus for him to be healed. They were in this together! God did heal him! And the men also! Not only physically but spiritually! 'When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son your sins are forgiven you." Matthew 2:5 And then Jesus said, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God saying, "We never saw anything like this!" Matthew 2:12 How many times have I "worked" as hard for my friend or someone in need? Do I pray and then give up when I get bored and have not seen God answer my prayers in my time? Do I show them my love and a servants heart when they need love or am I so busy that my life is consumed with me and my "needs"? Forgetting that maybe today, somebody may need to be "carried" to Jesus by me! Maybe they just feel like they can't take another day or maybe they just need a phone call or a letter to let them know I care. Whatever it may be, I need to carry them to Him and show them Jesus love! I want to be that kind of friend! The kind in the bible that will not be afraid to sweat a little, get a little dusty and sacrifice my comfort for someone in need! After all, look what my Jesus did for me!Labels: friends[Photo]

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