Monday, June 18, 2012

Full of...

Our summers are always full of activity!  Come to think of it, my LIFE is full of activity during every season!  But these are some things we plan on doing in the coming weeks:
  • reading books for fun not to include reports!
  • making meals for others with hectic lives
  • playing outside for countless hours
  • MANY baths daily!  (yes with 7 boys under 11, they require many daily!)
  • annual church campmeeting  (our evangelist is Chris Owensby...Check out his websight here)
  • joining in a prayer walk around our city to release the power of the Holy Spirit in our town
  • swimming at Grandma's
  • bible school
  • having a neighborhood bible school in our yard
  • playing at our local YMCA
  • birthdays...always birthdays!
  • playing at the park
  • having a garage sale
  • bonfires with hotdogs and s'mores
  • continually, hopefully reaching our neighborhood for Christ!
God has placed us in a neighborhood that is so lost!  We have had the chance to minister through pray, giving our time and sometimes just a smile!  It has been amazing!!!  I wondered many times when we moved here, what God was up to!  I now realize even more, how desperate people are to hear and feel the love of Christ!  It is so exciting and humbling to be used to introduce Jesus to the lost!  My children are changed forever!  It has taught us not to judge other's because of how they dress, how much money they have or even attitudes they may have!  Everyone has a past and needs love and acceptence!  We have stepped out in faith and it has not been easy but God has shown us how people need His love!  He wants us to be His hands and feet! 

Will you help us spread the love of Christ where you live?  The world is dying spiritually and everyday that passes, is one day less that we have! 

Summer is filled with exciting things but the only thing that will last forever is a heart changed for eternity!  Give your summer to God and ask Him to lead you to the lost and watch what happens!

Please pray for us as we minister to our neighborhood!  God is doing amazing things!  We are so thankful for the opportunity we have been given!   


1 comment:

blueschoolmomma said...

OK, commenting...commenting...?? Can you hear me now?? :-)


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