Monday, May 4, 2009

"Not Me Monday"

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Here is my contribution for "Not Me Monday"

I do not have 7 boys! Surely God knows I could NEVER handle that many bodies full of testosterone under MY roof!

It was not me who witnessed everyone fleeing from the park when we showed up in our 15 passenger van because people thought it was the "Shock and Awe" of '09 in our town. I would never have caused others to run for their lives just because MY family was invading! And if that were true, I would never have stayed in my van for a few extra minutes to hideout making sure no-one could see it was ME who was in charge of the WHOLE clan!

It is not me who does not like animals that has 3 hamsters, 10 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, 1 cat, and a dog residing in our home! I could not handle the mess!

It is not me who just witnessed my 15 month old son putting a dirty wipe in his mouth that feel out of a dirty diaper on the way to the trash! I would have seen that drop! Then I would be inclined to call the poison control center to make sure he would be okay! (After I fainted!)

I did not take my 15 year old son to get his driving permit! I AM NOT old enough to have a child driving! That would mean in the next half of his life, I would be old enough to be a grandma! Nope, not me!

It is not me who let my 10 year old keep 2 caterpillars in her room ALL winter long in a plastic box wtih dirt while they "hibernated". Then I would go to bed every night wondering if they had escaped!

I know I did not find my 8 year old sneaking a fruit snack and handful of crackers to bed one night and he DID not hide the crackers under his pillow! Then there would be crushed crackers all over that would fall down to his brothers bed because they share a bunk bed! And I did not find the cracker crumbs and a fruit snack in his brothers hair in the morning ground into his scalp and stuck to his hair. My dear sweet boy, would not go behind by back like that!

And SURELY I am not pregnant with my 11th child! I am sure God knows that is too big of a responsibility for me! And if that were true, thank goodness He knows that for me that is too big of a responsibility but with Him, all things are possible!

1 comment:

Bontrager Family Singers said...

Congratulations! I was just happily reading your blog and catching up on your family when I read about your pregnancy. This is so exciting! I certainly do hope we can get together this summer. Please call me sometime so we can make plans for your family to come to our house.


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